Time doesn't pass any faster than it used to, but we run past it more hurriedly.
(George Orwell)
Installation "Timeflowers"
Variable size
Crocheted doily (plastinated)
Mirror "Timeflower"
30 x 30 cm
Mirror (artificially aged)
Installation "Timeflowers"
Hand mirror
partly artificially aged
Photo series "Timeflowers"
30 x 30 cm each
aluminium dibond
"Foralia" postcard series
Mirror cardboard, acrylic paint
We know that everything has its "time" – even mundane objects of daily use. Yesterday taken for granted, many things today are already remnants of their own heyday. The faster technology, new media and societies develop, the sooner an everyday object becomes a relic without desirability or purpose. Such remnants, and the history stored in them, inspire me to create the "Timeflower" objects. Whether crocheted doilies, magnetic tape from video cassettes or old hand mirrors - they are contemporary witnesses that deserve a new perspective.
Moving Ideas 5 / Rome Future Week 2024
Galerie Rossocinabro
Flower Power Festival
Kunsttreff Moosach
Art Art Xhomo Galerie
Florenz (I)
Galerie Rossocinabro
Rom (I)
Huntenkunst 2023
Ulft (NL)
Kunstverein 68elf
Artexpo New York
New York (USA)
Forum Kunst und Architektur
Other work series
Freelance artist and graphic designer with own studio in Düsseldorf since 2005.
After training as a state-certified designer for media & communication, I worked for many years in advertising as a graphic designer, creative supervisor and art director in Wuppertal, Munich and Cologne.
Since I am particularly interested in the interfaces between graphics, design and art, I studied at the new art school in Zurich, as well as art history and media studies at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (2019 doctorate).
The theoretical knowledge of art history, the practical experience from graphics, advertising and design - as well as all the resulting "overlaps" - have a significant influence on my artistic work.
Moving Ideas 5 : Rome Future Week 2024 | Galerie Rossocinabro | Rom | 9/2024 // Kultur einer Digitalstadt e.V. | Darmstadt | Die Poesie der Daten | Modul 2 | Die Farben der Daten | 09/2024 // Flower Power Festival | Kunsttreff Moosach | München | Floralia | 09/2023 // Art Art Xhomo Galerie | Florenz | Firenze Contemporary #2 | 06/2023 // Galerie Rossocinabro | Rom | 04/05/06/2023 // Kunstverein 68elf | Museum Zündorfer Wehrturm | Köln | Wasser | 04/2023 // Art Expo | New York | Circle Arts Foundation | 03/2023 // Forum Kunst und Architektur | Essen | Zeitenwende | 01/2023 //
Frauenmuseum | Bonn | 27. Kunstmesse | 11/2022 // Stadtmuseum | Düsseldorf | Da! Art Award | 09/2022 // Museum Kunst Palast | Düsseldorf | Die Grosse | 06/2022 // FMDK e.V. | München | Kunstsalon SINE LOCO 06/2022 // Galerie – Der Turm | Schwalmtal | Von der Fläche zur Form | 11/2015 // Kulturforum Alte Post | Neuss | Bienchen, Bienchen gib mir Honig | 05/2014 // Münster St. Vitus | Mönchengladbach | Metamorph | 02/2012 // Kunstmesse artpul | Pulheim | 06/2011 // Nationalpark Harz/St. Andreasberg | NATUR-MENSCH | 11/2010 / kunstbox | Dortmund | 11/2009 // Frauenmuseum | Bonn | 19. Kunstmesse | 11/2009 // Galerie Alte Lateinschule | Viersen | Simi Larisch | 10/2009 // Ensemblia | Mönchengladbach | Haltestelle: kunst X. | 05/2009 // Debitel-Kunstpreis | Stuttgart 10 Gewinner | 07/2004 ...
Studio: Walzwerkstr. 14, 40599 Düsseldorf, Germany